There are milk cartons all over this house ... and no one is tossing them to me and making me chase after them. They are just ignoring me. What's the use of having great cartons when people just go about their business and let me sit here. I have been sitting here for over five minutes (I think).
Well at least I'm not locked outside with that German Shepard bitch. She is soooo bossy. If anyone throws food to us she gets it all EVERY TIME. I don't know.... one of us even pooped all over my dog house to claim it....was that me, I don't remember.
See that Chewies box, yeah I have them hidden all over the house. They give them to me and I hide them....I don't really know why, it's a cultural imperative for Jack Russell mixes I think. Dang I wish I was chasing a milk carton.